The Digital Manufacturing Try-out Center is a practical R&D center that provides one-stop support for commercialization of creative ideas for companies in the Jeju region with inadequate manufacturing infrastructure.
As such, the Center provides commercialization support including product design, prototype manufacturing, and quality analysis for small-scale batch production, and manufacturing personnel training to strengthen digital manufacturing capabilities.
As production and consumption patterns at home and abroad are moving towards customized small quantities of a wide range of products, digital manufacturing technologies are needed to meet demand for lower production costs and short production and delivery periods.
For this purpose, the Center offers precise analysis and diagnosis to provide solutions that address the technological difficulties experienced by small and medium enterprises in the Jeju region, and support for commercialization of technologies that are difficult for such enterprises to execute independently.
Along with presenting our vision for digital manufacturing technology, we are striving to proliferate the supply of digital manufacturing technology in the Jeju region by means of education and seminars.
Our Center will continue to pursue commercialization of advanced manufacturing technology through the utilization of digital manufacturing equipment capable of generating great added value for Jeju manufacturing industries by preemptively dealing with the innovation policies of manufacturing businesses in Korea and overseas.
Digital Manufacturing Try-out Center
※ The Digital Manufacturing Try-out Center is the primary regional center of the Korea Institute of Industrial Technology and is supported by the Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Energy, and Jeju Special Self-governed Provincial Government.